Our Story

Ketopia was founded by a foodie couple who had became obsessed with making sure that each of them enjoyed the food they eat and each other's company while eating the food. It is the story of a long lasting couple relationship ~

They took it upon themselves to create high quality keto and non-keto foods that are both affordable and delicious.

Have a look around and love to share, just get in touch. I love to chat.....


一酮生活 (Ketopia) 是由一對"美食家"夫婦創立,他們迷於確保每個人都享受到美味的食物同時有開心的吃食物夥伴。

這是一段天長地久的夫妻關係的 "一酮生活" 故事~


請保持聯繫。 我們很喜歡聊天......Happy sharing~

Shop our collection/選購系列

Keto - Sweets/甜食
cooked food on brown ceramic bowlcooked food on brown ceramic bowl
person trying to pick fried foodperson trying to pick fried food

Cake made to order/


Customer’s Picks/客戶的選擇

Keto white bread (Full/half loaf available)

Keto white bread made with Japan imported Okara Poweder and USA imported egg white powder. Feels like normal bread, and can be toasted!!! For a total of 10-12 slices, it contain around a Net Carbs of around 1g per slice with high protein level.

Keto 白麵包(可提供全/半條)

Keto白麵包採用日本進口豆渣粉和進口蛋清粉製成。 感覺像普通麵包,可以烤吐士!!! 總共 10-12 片,1片含有大約 1 克的淨碳水化合物和高蛋白質。

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Keto Swiss Roll with freshberries

100% Keto friendly made with to quality almond flour and full fat whip cream, topped with fresh strawberries. Full roll and half roll available.


100% Keto friendly,由優質杏仁粉和全脂鮮奶油製成,上面撒上新鮮草莓。


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Keto pasta

100% keto friendly and give you the total original pasta feeling ~

Available from four different flours, luipin, almond, coconut and Okara power


100% keto friendly 給你原汁原味的意麵~


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Keto noodles

Two keto noodles available, made from eggs with high protein and no carbs.



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